Colleges & Universities

There has been an unprecedented increase in the need for mental health support and counseling at colleges and universities across the country. Counseling departments and academic and athletic staff are inundated with varying student body needs and are not accustomed or equipped to deal with concerned parents. These parents often feel helpless and disconnected, unsure how to obtain information and support.

America’s teens and young adults are reporting record levels of sadness and suicide risk coming out of the pandemic. Data from more than 200,000 students at 163 institutions show there has been a steady increase in threats to self—including suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and non-suicidal self-injury—as well as depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and traumatic experiences.

The Isleworth team has a unique offering of support and wisdom through sharing lived experiences, in addition to for-profit and not-for-profit partnerships. We partner with college and universities in assessing their social emotional health, culture and services. Isleworth is prepared to engage parents and other key stakeholders to foster positive change in the campus community.

  • Among college students, 29.1% have been diagnosed with anxiety and 23.6% have been diagnosed with depression.

  • 25.5% of adults ages 18-24 reported having seriously considered suicide. This is a higher percentage than any other adult age group.

  • 47.1% of young adults aged 18 to 25 perceived an unmet need for mental health services.

  • While 72% of LGBTQ+ teens and young adults desired professional counseling, only 32% received these services.

What to Expect from Isleworth

Comprehensive Review & Plan

The Introductory Discussion

Isleworth will support college and university administration by bridging the gap between parents, counselors, students and services. Our priority is to gain a thorough understanding of your school’s current situation and provide a baseline utilizing specific metrics. We understand that listening to you and your counseling team is critical to being able to offer assistance. During this discussion, our team of experts will gather detailed information about program history and current concerns.

Custom Plan Engagement  

Our Isleworth experts will complete a full assessment of your programming, and create a comprehensive customized plan that ideally suits the needs of your parent population, students, counselors and educators. We will advise and guide the execution of that plan, including partnering with external resources. Your Isleworth team will support you in improving student outcomes by using our expertise, best practices, and external resources. In addition, we will review your urgent and emergency care responses to assure that your students are receiving the best crisis care possible.

Parent Communication & Support

Parent Support Groups

On behalf of the college or university, the Isleworth Group will run a weekly parent support group. These support groups will act as a conduit between parents and your Counseling Department. The information obtained and shared with you is anonymous, thus depersonalizing any sensitive issues that may arise. In addition, Isleworth parent support groups can offer an opportunity for common issues to be addressed by administration more effectively.

The main tenet of Isleworth is “THE POWER OF THE PEER.” Common experiences shared between peers facilitate feelings of support and relief in a non judgmental environment, assuring them they are not alone. Research has shown that professionally facilitated, parent-led support groups can be highly beneficial and effective in providing emotional support to parents facing similar challenges. The collective knowledge can be invaluable in finding effective strategies, techniques, and resources for addressing various parenting issues. Through support groups, parents realize they are not alone - and their struggles and concerns are shared by others.

Parent One-to-One Peer Network

College or university-based parent peer networks will also be offered by Isleworth. In addition to the weekly group calls, parents may access a predetermined number of peer calls for more individualized support. Isleworth Private Client Services will always be available for parents looking for further guidance.

Available Programming

Isleworth and its partners provide training for students, faculty and staff to recognize and cope with signs of distress or crisis in themselves and others. Access may be provided to Isleworth's proprietary and curated content, including; books, articles, workshops, podcasts, and videos. Programs are tailored to the needs of your college or university community.

Team Profiles


We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your needs and how we can help.