Middle & High Schools

There has been an unparalleled surge in the demand for mental health assistance in middle and high schools. Counseling departments, teachers and staff are facing an overwhelming challenge as they try to address the diverse needs of students - lacking the necessary resources to accommodate the growing need for their services. In addition, parents of teenagers report experiencing a profound sense of helplessness and disconnection, as they struggle to identify the appropriate channels to reach out and locate suitable avenues for support.

Recent data collected from the National Center for Education Statistics shows that 70% of public schools reported an increase in the percentage of their students seeking mental health services at school, and 76% reported an increase in staff voicing concerns about their students exhibiting symptoms of depression, anxiety, and trauma.

The Isleworth team can assist middle and high schools in evaluating the social emotional well-being of their students, fostering a positive culture, and enhancing support services. Isleworth is dedicated to actively involving parents in effecting positive changes within the community's emotional health landscape.

  • In an April 2022 poll, nearly 75% of U.S. parents said their child would benefit from mental health counseling—up from 68% in 2021.

  • 57% of high school females reported experiencing persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, up from 36% a decade ago. For males, it rose to 29% up from 21%.

  • 47% of teens in the 12th grade have tried illicit drugs.

  • 11% of overdoses are young adults aged 15 to 24.

What to Expect from Isleworth

Comprehensive Review & Plan

The Introductory Discussion

Isleworth will support middle and high school administration by bridging the gap between parents, counselors, students and services. Our priority is to gain a thorough understanding of your school’s current situation. We understand that listening to you and your counseling team is critical to being able to offer assistance. During this discussion, our team of experts will gather detailed information about program history and current concerns.

Custom Plan Engagement  

Isleworth experts will complete a full assessment of your programming, and create a comprehensive customized plan that ideally suits the needs of your student & parent community, counselors and educators. We will advise and guide the execution of that plan, including partnering with external resources. Your Isleworth Team will support you in improving student and family outcomes by using our expertise, best practices, and external resources.

Parent Engagement & Support

Parent Support Groups

The main tenet of Isleworth is “THE POWER OF THE  PEER.” Common experiences shared between peers  facilitate feelings of support and relief in a non judgmental  environment, assuring them they are not alone. On behalf  of your middle or high school, the Isleworth Group will run  a weekly parent support group. The information obtained  is anonymous, thus depersonalizing any sensitive issues  that may arise.

Research has shown that professionally facilitated, parent-led support groups can be highly beneficial and effective in providing emotional support to parents facing similar challenges. Support groups offer a safe space for parents to express their feelings while also receiving a wealth of advice from their peers. This collective knowledge can be invaluable in finding effective strategies, techniques, and resources for addressing various parenting issues. Through support groups, parents realize they are not alone - and their struggles and concerns are shared by others.

Parent Peer Network

School-specific parent peer networks will also be offered by Isleworth. In addition to the weekly group calls, parents may access a predetermined number of peer calls for more individualized support. Peers will often be school alumnae that are selected, trained and managed by Isleworth. Isleworth Private Client Services will always be available for parents looking for further guidance.

Near Peer Network

Near Peer Support

A Near Peer is a young adult with “lived experience” who will provide empathy and support for a middle or high school student. Our network of Near Peers know what it’s like to struggle as a teenager and understand the common challenges today’s young people are facing. Near Peers exhibit the ability to listen without judgment and share thoughtful guidance, ensuring that each student knows they are not alone.

Parents may request to connect their child with a Near Peer.

Available Programming

Isleworth and its partners provide training for students, parents, faculty and staff to recognize and cope with signs of distress or crisis in themselves and others. Access may be provided to Isleworth's proprietary and curated content, including; books, articles, workshops, podcasts, and videos. Training programs will be tailored to the needs of your school community.

Team Profiles


We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your needs and how we can help.